Hello - at last today, I was able to fire up both my old MIG and my new MIG - I wanted to try the old again first, just to ensure I was being fair in my assessment of the new
Old machine first - it's a 130A Telwin, only ever a cheap machine, bought about 16 years ago. The gas regulator wasn't even working - needle just went straight to maximum regardless of the tap setting - so I borrowed the regulator that was supplied with the new machine.
There are two rocker switches - you can have 1 or 2, and MIN or MAX. There is a wire feed knob, which I set on about 3 out of 10.
As you can see, results on 1 and MIN are pretty dreadful. The machine makes an intermittent humming noise as the arc stops and starts.
Results on 2 and MIN are better, with a steady arc and better penetration, but I managed to blow two holes in the vertical-up butt-weld of the 0.9mm steel sheet (clamped in the vice).
1 and MAX is more powerful again and produced a lovely smooth bead, but I didn't bother trying the butt weld at this setting, as I knew it would blow straight through (the test bead shown was on the flat with a backing plate).
Now for the new machine...
Old machine first - it's a 130A Telwin, only ever a cheap machine, bought about 16 years ago. The gas regulator wasn't even working - needle just went straight to maximum regardless of the tap setting - so I borrowed the regulator that was supplied with the new machine.
There are two rocker switches - you can have 1 or 2, and MIN or MAX. There is a wire feed knob, which I set on about 3 out of 10.
As you can see, results on 1 and MIN are pretty dreadful. The machine makes an intermittent humming noise as the arc stops and starts.
Results on 2 and MIN are better, with a steady arc and better penetration, but I managed to blow two holes in the vertical-up butt-weld of the 0.9mm steel sheet (clamped in the vice).
1 and MAX is more powerful again and produced a lovely smooth bead, but I didn't bother trying the butt weld at this setting, as I knew it would blow straight through (the test bead shown was on the flat with a backing plate).
Now for the new machine...