I'd go with too high amps (which the spatter would suggest) or too fast travel speed, but zardoz, you're right about longer arc gap raising the energy input (volts, in this case).
Ah so if I decrease the amps then I won't get spatter? I'm welding 10mm channel to 25mm plate so what would you suggest?
It depends more on the rods you're using and the position than the thickness of the material, unless it's thin stuff.
So what rods? Make, type, size?
well tbh i would say drop the current down a little
or if you can do it change your ocv. would prob be better at 80 than 60, that is if you can change it
Your problem is material thickness differential, 10t to 25t, something has to give, undercut on the 10t or, LOF on 25t.
rubbish in my opinion, it is quite possible to run a 6mm FW between a 6mm plate and a 60mm plate with no undercut.
OP do you weave slightly from side to side as you run out the FW? if so make the weave smaller and lower the rod angle so the rod is pointing slightly more towards the vertical plate. slow down the rate of travel can help too.
is it 1 pass?i think that you need at least 3 & should back the amps by 10% after the first 1