T Thejudge02 New Member Messages 1 May 27, 2013 #1 I borrowed a 9000x from a friend to take my welding classes for my new job. I had to replace the batteries how do I know its working? I don't have a welder at the house and I don't wanna go blind.
I borrowed a 9000x from a friend to take my welding classes for my new job. I had to replace the batteries how do I know its working? I don't have a welder at the house and I don't wanna go blind.
Badger1bear If your not on fire, then your too far away Messages 2,218 Location kent May 27, 2013 #2 turn on the brightest light in your house and stare at it with the helmet on or if the sun is out go and look at the sun with the helmet on
turn on the brightest light in your house and stare at it with the helmet on or if the sun is out go and look at the sun with the helmet on
mike 109444 Member Messages 4,742 May 27, 2013 #3 infered from tv remote should trigger it or the sparks from a cigaret lighter.
H hotrodder Member Messages 4,583 May 27, 2013 #4 My 9002x won't react to lightbulbs/flourescent tubes or the sun. As said an IR remote will do the trick
My 9002x won't react to lightbulbs/flourescent tubes or the sun. As said an IR remote will do the trick