Delayed with my Minx waiting for late parts, and keen to avoid DIY and telly I made a Thing. 0.5mm copper, brass, stainless. Vase thing was heated and plopped in some manky gearbox oil. Needs finishing and a clean up but here 'tis:
Cheers. They're MIGged on, petals are all one piece, folded the leaf "stem" around to a tube-ish thing then fold the end bit the opposite way to hug the flower stem.
really nice that chipper, well done, I am very interested in the techniques you would use to make that. Did you use different wires / gas for the different metals and what did you use to cut the shapes out sorry for the noob questions but if you don't ask you don't learn.
regards Norm
Thanks very much chaps.
Norm, I used tin snips to cut out. Bit of wood with a depression made in it, and mostly a small home-made hammer out of inch bar with rounded end like a ball-pein. A dolly made from a bearing ball welded to a bit of square tube. Home made chisel thing to put the lines on the leaves.
Just used argon mix and normal wire as I haven't got anything else, should be fine indoors. The bottom flower thing is welded, the other petal bits stay put with tight-fitting holes and the stem tube was hammered to a taper, some weld blobbed on the end.