So I've taken the plunge and bought a second hand welder!
In the end I went for a Clarke 160T (not TM) with a new regulator and a size B argon gas bottle.
After giving it a quick clean I set to work trying to strike some welds to a bit of steel I cleaned up.
I had the gas set between 15-20 and had the power setting on 3 and the min/max set to max.
After about 20 minutes of welding the 13A fuse popped and I ran out of 1mm wire that came with the machine.
I'd like to buy some 0.6mm wire and new tips etc so of anyone can advise me on where to buy, what to buy etc that would be much appreciated. I've been told 0.6mm wire is more suited to exhaust fabrication and body work for cars (which is what I primarily want to use the welder for).
Please go easy on me, this is the first bit of welding I've ever done in my life!
In the end I went for a Clarke 160T (not TM) with a new regulator and a size B argon gas bottle.
After giving it a quick clean I set to work trying to strike some welds to a bit of steel I cleaned up.
I had the gas set between 15-20 and had the power setting on 3 and the min/max set to max.
After about 20 minutes of welding the 13A fuse popped and I ran out of 1mm wire that came with the machine.
I'd like to buy some 0.6mm wire and new tips etc so of anyone can advise me on where to buy, what to buy etc that would be much appreciated. I've been told 0.6mm wire is more suited to exhaust fabrication and body work for cars (which is what I primarily want to use the welder for).
Please go easy on me, this is the first bit of welding I've ever done in my life!