Its the wrong machine to dig, they are a shovel. You'd have been better with a mini digger.I hired one to dig out a drive.....bucket wouldnt go in....just lifted the cab.......had to do it pick and shovel
What exactly are you looking for nick, skid steer, mini ex, wheeled loader, backhoe? What do you intend doing with it? What size range as well anything that can be towed behind a standard pickup is going to come at a premium.Anyone have much experience of these,I’ve seen a digger of the right size/price,thinking parts prices/accessibility. Thanks.
A 2-2.5 tonne digger,just jobbing around my ground,no need to leave the joint,actually the bigger the machine,the more reddies,I look on e bay mainly,also catlowdy carriages,as recommended by a forum member.
Good dealer and parts availability is always the main consideration for these things so see who's closer to you may effect your choice of machine. You will usually get a machine that's in much better condition with lower hours if you look in the 3.5 ton plus bracket for your money.
Thats pretty much it Robbie. I know a lot of guys into plant hire and the general concensus is a smaller machine is good for about three thousand hours before needing money spent on it, thats normally when they get moved on and worth bearing in mind. A friend runs Bobcats and he rates them.