… and then little Benny takes his wonderful 3d drawing to somebody with a tube bender who asks for a 2d sketch to work from….
This idea that everything has to be drawn 3d costs the industry a fortune. Why do I need a 3D rendering of a washer for manufacturing purposes? One, that when analysed gives me all sorts of ***** information about when the nurbs surface was created,how many points it consists of, but doesn’t yield the ID, OD or thickness ? The amount of time I waste on other peoples 3D drawings is ridiculous. 95% of what gets drawn doesn’t need to be in 3D. And when it does, the 3D model is so full of holes and untrimmed surfaces,it’s unusable. Most of this comes from “ Ex spurts” that never learnt to draw in 2d in the first place so their 3D skills are horrendous. They have watched a 20 minute youtube video and are now fully fledged draftsmen …not