Want to get a cheap paint gun for putting on etch and high build primer, so far I've found the sealey gold series s701 and s701g (around 25 on the bay)
I've got a 50 ltr 3hp sealey compressor (SAC05030) which apparently has a 8.75cfm air dispacement, so this should be adequate.
My question is has anyone used these guns before and will my compressor handle be up to it, and if not can anyone recommend a gun to suit my comp.
Also everyone keeps telling me my comp won't power a DA sander but at 8cfm...why not??
I've got a 50 ltr 3hp sealey compressor (SAC05030) which apparently has a 8.75cfm air dispacement, so this should be adequate.
My question is has anyone used these guns before and will my compressor handle be up to it, and if not can anyone recommend a gun to suit my comp.
Also everyone keeps telling me my comp won't power a DA sander but at 8cfm...why not??