can anyone tell me if a gas solenoid for euro conversion, will work in my clarke 100e mk2, ive found a 240 feed when trigger is pulled,
will this work?
This is a 90 but should be much the same.
Test by metering on connections 3 and 4 (the spade connections) for a switched 240. Then if ok use a piggy back spade connector on solenoid but beware you are dealing with 240 v and so should insulate the connections incase they ever cone adrift.
and welcome
awesome thanks for that man, that is exactly as i had already figured, was just after another point of view, i know its a silly little welder but it' seen me through 20 years service, i got a hold of a euro torch a while back and its been begging me to fit it . once again thankyou, . J
Only 20 years old. My 1st machine Clarke 120 (which is now my backup machine) is nearly 30 years old and had it from new. Came as standard with euro torch fitted. Still works well