Random beginner question!
Picked up a BOC 130 pocket turbo yesterday but it had no gas setup with it, so off I trotted to Halfords today and bought a SIP regulator and disposable bottle of Argon/CO2. Plan is to get a feel for the welder on this cheap disposable gear and then sort out a proper bottle and reg setup once I start doing some proper work on the camper.
So, i've had it all out, and I'm probably missing something but I can't work out how its meant to go together
He's some pictures :
The gas bottle obviously must have to have this little pin pushed to release the gas?
The regulator
So the reg must have something to push the little pin? On the open side of the reg there is nothing, just a little plastic seal inside
So on the other side the is a brass plug screwed in with a centre hole
If you take this out you find a little spring and then a small brass part with a little 'nipple' on the front and rubber on the back
Now i've tried every which way and I can't get gas to come out of the torch, what am I doing wrong!
Random beginner question!
Picked up a BOC 130 pocket turbo yesterday but it had no gas setup with it, so off I trotted to Halfords today and bought a SIP regulator and disposable bottle of Argon/CO2. Plan is to get a feel for the welder on this cheap disposable gear and then sort out a proper bottle and reg setup once I start doing some proper work on the camper.
So, i've had it all out, and I'm probably missing something but I can't work out how its meant to go together
He's some pictures :
The gas bottle obviously must have to have this little pin pushed to release the gas?
The regulator
So the reg must have something to push the little pin? On the open side of the reg there is nothing, just a little plastic seal inside
So on the other side the is a brass plug screwed in with a centre hole
If you take this out you find a little spring and then a small brass part with a little 'nipple' on the front and rubber on the back
Now i've tried every which way and I can't get gas to come out of the torch, what am I doing wrong!