What do you guys think I did a little tig to but I ran out of gas disposal bottles arnt great i used 2.5 murex rods 70 amps
Any comments welcome its all a learning curve
Were the pipe edges bevelled or a straight cut. Was the pipe rotated and you welded from above, or was it clamped to a bench or similar and not moved at all untill the entire welds were done all the way around the pipe. Did you try and weld it all in one go without stopping. Did you stand over it and weld or did you move over and under and back up again. If you welded in several goes, did you clean up the weld and grind a bevel in it before you started again. Did you change hands or weld it with your normal hand. etc etc.
At least i think thats what he's asking about ?
PS: By the way if that was my first attempt I'd be very proud.
Here is something explaining positions 2g, 5g etc.
Sorry about this guys I will explaine I used a thermal arc welder at 60 ish amps I used o.8 filler wire for my spacing used 2.5 murex rods. I tacked up in the flat then tipped the plate outto a 45 degree angle then welded in stages for my v I used the grinder when Iit was tacked and ran I round to give a track to follow.