I've read a bit in here now and then over the last few days and have picked up loads of information even though I thought I was fairly experienced for a hobbyist. Such a useful resourse, my hat's off to you regular contributors.
I play with cars and machines and make odd bits in my shed usually. I work for an engineering company that does a lot of fabrication so I know my limitations (usually), especially when I see the work of a real welder!
Having both my welding machines break down inside a week has prompted some internet (and soul) searching...
I'll have to fix them but I can see a new machine on the horizon. Seems like I'm in the right place.
I play with cars and machines and make odd bits in my shed usually. I work for an engineering company that does a lot of fabrication so I know my limitations (usually), especially when I see the work of a real welder!
Having both my welding machines break down inside a week has prompted some internet (and soul) searching...
I'll have to fix them but I can see a new machine on the horizon. Seems like I'm in the right place.