Well, had to reposition a peg on a simple nose stand for a boat trolley that I'd made in ally, frustrating at first then got an okay (but not pretty) result.
Then thought, for some fun. I'd got some scrap aluminium sheet that was old lagging cladding from work, for practice. It's 1mm thick, so chucked in a 1.6mm tungsten, cut the sheet with my £15 Argos air nibbler, then first had a go at a lap joint, then thought I'd do the butt joint. Pleased with the results, but not full penetration on the butt weld. Think I'd get away with knocking up a couple of underbonnet tanks in 2mm ?
Opinions welcomed gratefully!
PS - Anyone spot the touchdowns...
Then thought, for some fun. I'd got some scrap aluminium sheet that was old lagging cladding from work, for practice. It's 1mm thick, so chucked in a 1.6mm tungsten, cut the sheet with my £15 Argos air nibbler, then first had a go at a lap joint, then thought I'd do the butt joint. Pleased with the results, but not full penetration on the butt weld. Think I'd get away with knocking up a couple of underbonnet tanks in 2mm ?
Opinions welcomed gratefully!
PS - Anyone spot the touchdowns...