3.2 The electric field
The working voltages used in arc welding are low compared to the voltage levels capable of causing biological effects inside the human body. Therefore the studies regarding EMF and arc welding are currently confined to the assessment of magnetic fields and their effects.
4 Biological effects
4.1 Forces and effects on active medical implants
The dominating effect on the human body due to static fields are resulting forces on ferromagnetic elements (e.g. metallic implants) or moving charges (e.g. blood ions). Even under worst case conditions the levels of static fields generated in arc welding applications are far below the established permissible levels.
Passive and active medical implants like cardiac pacemakers might be susceptible to static and a.c. electromagnetic fields. This issue is important for welders wearing such implants and has to be considered carefully, however it is not further discussed in this paper.
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