Ive been arc welding on and off for a few years making brackets out of 10mm plate for the company I work for. I have had very little training other than a couple of lessons when I was in collage a long time ago! At the moment I use a 210 amp SIP arc welder which is on its last legs and I have been given the task to buy a replacment. The Boss wants to buy a mig. Is this the best thing? Ive only used a mini mig before gas and gasless. I know I could do the job quicker and with less mess but to get a mig at 200 amp and have a good duty cycle I think is gonna be pricy. Any ideas?
Ive been arc welding on and off for a few years making brackets out of 10mm plate for the company I work for. I have had very little training other than a couple of lessons when I was in collage a long time ago! At the moment I use a 210 amp SIP arc welder which is on its last legs and I have been given the task to buy a replacment. The Boss wants to buy a mig. Is this the best thing? Ive only used a mini mig before gas and gasless. I know I could do the job quicker and with less mess but to get a mig at 200 amp and have a good duty cycle I think is gonna be pricy. Any ideas?