Seems a very informative site here, so greets to all .
Thanks to the site maker(s?). I'm glad to have found it since I hope to pick up some mig skills.
I have had a small AC stick machine for a few years (only DIY ) and just recently bought a mig machine. It is still in box also need to organise consumables, but with luck it wont stay shiny for too much longer .
Anyhow, happy sparking everyone!
Thanks to the site maker(s?). I'm glad to have found it since I hope to pick up some mig skills.
I have had a small AC stick machine for a few years (only DIY ) and just recently bought a mig machine. It is still in box also need to organise consumables, but with luck it wont stay shiny for too much longer .
Anyhow, happy sparking everyone!