Hi every one, been reading through the site for a couple of weeks now so thought it was about time i joined.
Im looking to get myself a mig so i can start work on my suzuki samurai (its very rusty). Althogh i have only tried welding once before and that was quite along time ago.
My original buget was around £200, but after what iv read on the site i realise i may need to spend a bit more than that.
Any advice on what to buy would be much appriciated.
Im looking to get myself a mig so i can start work on my suzuki samurai (its very rusty). Althogh i have only tried welding once before and that was quite along time ago.
My original buget was around £200, but after what iv read on the site i realise i may need to spend a bit more than that.
Any advice on what to buy would be much appriciated.