Yo boys and girls!
Gonna be a welder if it kills me! always wanted to and now as i'm out of work with spare time i thought wot the hell!!
I've bought an invertor already(CEA Thytronic 155 Arc Welder) but no idea wot to do next
I've been thinkin about using 3.2 rods as they seem quite popular with the guys on site, but i've got no electrode holder with it, or cable!! so where to look would be a start i suppose.Next thing.. I have no ideas to wot all this stuff means in the pic?! can one of ya shed any light on it... get it!! light!! oh well. So have a bought an ok one to start off with? I'm all prepared to practice but again, apart from ebay where to get a mask gloves etc, any tips!
Any help would be gratefully appreciated. thanks in advance
Gonna be a welder if it kills me! always wanted to and now as i'm out of work with spare time i thought wot the hell!!
I've bought an invertor already(CEA Thytronic 155 Arc Welder) but no idea wot to do next
I've been thinkin about using 3.2 rods as they seem quite popular with the guys on site, but i've got no electrode holder with it, or cable!! so where to look would be a start i suppose.Next thing.. I have no ideas to wot all this stuff means in the pic?! can one of ya shed any light on it... get it!! light!! oh well. So have a bought an ok one to start off with? I'm all prepared to practice but again, apart from ebay where to get a mask gloves etc, any tips!
Any help would be gratefully appreciated. thanks in advance