I bought a Gabro BF620 a while ago, stripped it down, cleaned it and reassembled it. I'm missing the two backstop clamping screws - labelled 28 in the diagram below, they weren't in the packing when I got the folder and being in bits, I didn't notice they were missing until I came to assemble it.
I can knock a couple of them together on the lathe but I have no ideas of the dimensions. It's an old machine so all I'm certain about is the thread is 3/8" UNC and the dimensions will probably be in imperial units.
Can somebody fill in the dimensions for A, B, C, P, Q and R. I can guess and make the parts to my own numbers but I'd like something as close to the original as possible. Any hint on the length of the tommy bar would be useful too
I can knock a couple of them together on the lathe but I have no ideas of the dimensions. It's an old machine so all I'm certain about is the thread is 3/8" UNC and the dimensions will probably be in imperial units.
Can somebody fill in the dimensions for A, B, C, P, Q and R. I can guess and make the parts to my own numbers but I'd like something as close to the original as possible. Any hint on the length of the tommy bar would be useful too