J jazzy Member Messages 7 Jul 15, 2008 #1 Just signed up to the forum, looks a great forum with lots of useful information. I am in the process of restoring an old Honda Civic which needs a bit of welding. I have an old Clarke 100 mig must be about 20+ years old but still going well. jazzy
Just signed up to the forum, looks a great forum with lots of useful information. I am in the process of restoring an old Honda Civic which needs a bit of welding. I have an old Clarke 100 mig must be about 20+ years old but still going well. jazzy
zardoz Old school Socialist Messages 2,217 Location Chetser, UK Jul 16, 2008 #3 In the case of many of the less expensive welders, it seems that older is better. So you should be alright with your old Clarke
In the case of many of the less expensive welders, it seems that older is better. So you should be alright with your old Clarke