First off, this is my first car restoration attempt and at every step I have had to learn how to do things for my self with the help of books and from good people such as yourselves on internet forums. Second thing, all the wok on my car has been completed outside under a shelter.
I spent 2 years welding my mk1 golf. I then painted the shell in epoxy using an Apollo spraymate. The finish is not good. Despite thinning the epoxy to the maximum recommended, the paint has not atomised very well and the finish is very rough...like 40 grit sandpaper. I thought that I would flat this back and then paint with a high build primer from builthamber and then flat back ready for a pro to paint on the colour coat.
However, I’ve had to flat the epoxy back so much that in places I’ve gone back to steel. Being outside, this then needed another coat of epoxy using the Apollo spray mate and then I’m back to square one. I’ve tried using a gloss roller but they disintegrate quickly and leave bits of foam on the finish.
I thought about getting a better HVLP Apollo kit but £330 is more than I want to spend on a paint system for possibly only on restoration.
I have now decided that I will have to buy a compressor and a gun to get better atomisation but what to buy?????
Bottom line is, what is the minimum I need to get the job done???
I saw this US website and they suggested bare minimum get an LVLP gravity gun requiring 5-7 cfm with a 20-30 gal, 1.5-2hp compressor.
However, will this be sufficient???
All for under 200, all I need is the gun (probably another minefield). The the cfm seems sufficient (6.8cfm) but it only has 24 litre tank and 1hp motor
Any thougths would be greatly appreciated.
First off, this is my first car restoration attempt and at every step I have had to learn how to do things for my self with the help of books and from good people such as yourselves on internet forums. Second thing, all the wok on my car has been completed outside under a shelter.
I spent 2 years welding my mk1 golf. I then painted the shell in epoxy using an Apollo spraymate. The finish is not good. Despite thinning the epoxy to the maximum recommended, the paint has not atomised very well and the finish is very rough...like 40 grit sandpaper. I thought that I would flat this back and then paint with a high build primer from builthamber and then flat back ready for a pro to paint on the colour coat.
However, I’ve had to flat the epoxy back so much that in places I’ve gone back to steel. Being outside, this then needed another coat of epoxy using the Apollo spray mate and then I’m back to square one. I’ve tried using a gloss roller but they disintegrate quickly and leave bits of foam on the finish.
I thought about getting a better HVLP Apollo kit but £330 is more than I want to spend on a paint system for possibly only on restoration.
I have now decided that I will have to buy a compressor and a gun to get better atomisation but what to buy?????
Bottom line is, what is the minimum I need to get the job done???
I saw this US website and they suggested bare minimum get an LVLP gravity gun requiring 5-7 cfm with a 20-30 gal, 1.5-2hp compressor.
However, will this be sufficient???
All for under 200, all I need is the gun (probably another minefield). The the cfm seems sufficient (6.8cfm) but it only has 24 litre tank and 1hp motor
Any thougths would be greatly appreciated.