i hope this is suitable for the pump.
Is the bright blue unit on the right of the motor a switch?
I ssume flow out is from this unit, where would be best to have the return pipe fitted? Thanks
You'll may find it's configured as single acting so fluid flows back the same route it came out. You may find you can take out one of the plugs on the pump block to feed a return. The blue unit will most likely be an electric valve actuator.
Configuration will depend on what type of ram you want to use, single or double acting. With a single load pressure or a spring closes the ram and returns fluid.With double acting you have fluid either side of the piston and you apply pressure depending on the direction you need to move.
Take a close up on the symbols of that blue valve. There's a schematic on it that will tell the operation.
There should be port markings close to all fittings that will tell what to connect as well.
If it came out of a lift of some kind return flow will be restricted for controlled drop which will render it a pita to use.
I found this out for myself
As anders said you can see by the ctop symbol its double acting so there maybe a potential to fit another solenoid, though there maybe something different in the manifold.
I set up my big press(cylinder is 12” bore) with solenoid controlled valves operated by foot pedals so I have both hands free to be able to hold the piece of junk being worked on like radius arms etc until pressure holds it