They're pretty highly regarded, have 4 arc sensors so less likely to get confused than masks with just the two and they have replacable batteries- my pet hate is auto lenses with the batteries sealed away and not designed to be changable. Personally i think they're a bit overpriced unless on offer* as they're made in Korea, not sure if they're rebaged OTOS masks or they're made by them to Miller specs though.
Miller digital elite pic nicked from the internet
Obviously pay a chunk to have Speedglas, Optrel or Jackson written on your bucket too but they're at least made in house in Sweden, Switzerland and the US respectively...
I bought a Miller Digital Elite a few years ago and haven't had any dramas with it, usually run it in X'Mode for welding and always works well. Bought it on sale from Weldfabulous in the USA
I have one, and also very often use it in X-mode. X-mode means that the filter is darkening by electromagnetic sensor not by optical sensors. Very useful when one work under strong light or outside. BTW, above photos show older version, Citoluxe 4500 is newer one.