Filler metal: R86 metal core .045 / gas 90%-10%Co2 / steel - T100 to 44W / T100 has Grey-Silver rust prevention coating (from Sweeden manufacture). welding on coating is said possible but pops and farts a lot, leaves pin holes, sometimes bigger holes, welds under repeated load. MDS say's not overly harmful but does not talk a lot about welding on it, or the gas being released from arc burning it, says dust from grinding/sanding it is worse, strong odor when doing so. Have you welded on such products? Welds sometimes fail, believe arc is fitting to clean away coating and not penetrating steel fully. Looking at going back to E70 Filler .045. Expecting worse outcome without metal prep. Any All experience, give me your thoughts. I have been doing this for 45 years and I'm trying to get across to others, always clean for X-Ray quality, never used this coating on plate in passed, red primer but hard wire also not happy with that stuff at times also. Look forward to your thoughts, internet search on this subject, never what I'm looking for, always off onto other parts of welding, never dealing with the coating!