ok thanks, ive managed to find the manual on migatronics website and just cant seem to find a min amp value,
ahh another thing that worries me is the current rating is 50amps max, reccomends 10mm cable, so what type of connector do i use? there is currently a red 3 phase red plug on it, its a 1 or 3 phase model, im ok on the consumer side.
The manual on the Migatronic site suggests 5-220A for both AC and DC... http://service.migatronic.com/media/mte/50174020.pdf (the sideways page)
Didn't read any further but it's probably multi voltage single phase i.e. can feed it via 2 phases of a 3 phase supply to get a higher voltage and make it less greedy amperage wise
hi hotrodder
yes ive got that, you are correct on the circuit diagram the supply to the unit it is via 2 feeds F F and Earth. and the voltage of the model is set up via jumpers on a connector 220/280/420/440v,
hi rob,
thanks i get it now, that really scares me, not that i intend welding at that current, mainly 1/3mm, maby im better off with an inverter to reduce the input current, a real shame looked a real nice machine looks fairly easy to fault locate, and manufacturer / backup look superb a circuit diagram/parts list of a 25 year old machine on their website.