hello everyone i,am new to this forum etc, and after some help & advice please" regarding my mig welder when used on low settings for car body repairs. Would it be a good idea to replace or retro fit capacitors to make for a nicer smoother weld on low settings. The only reason i,am asking is its as clear as mud the info iv,e looked up on google so, now want to learn more if doing these sort of modifications or upgrades actually work for the better as my welder is old/aged bought secondhand from ebay last year and only gets used when and as needed etc. Also i must add" i hav,nt had the side off my mig yet to look for any capacitors and to be honest its age and how long is a capacitors life accessed and when do they require replacing etc as i do repair the odd valve radio etc and have the tools at hand or is it a case of if it works dont fix it""