I reckon that's not quite right Tam. Different types of rod are certainly more susceptible to damp - most 7018's need to be bone dry, some (lincoln Hyrod for instance), are a bit more tolerant in use.
Most 6013's don't have to be totally dry.
6010s/6011s. perform better when damp.
However, personally I have a great dislike of ESAB OK 48's, (a 7018 rod) which suck up water like an elephants trunk, and perform horribly unless really well dried. EASB/Murex are now one company, so maybe that's what your pal was talking about.
If I get damp rod (I normally use 6013's or stainless 308L-16 electrodes) I just purposely stick them to the job for a couple of seconds before I start to weld. Not sure if this method is strictly kosher, but it works for me.
just put them in a home oven at 180 c for 30 min then when cooled i use a cpl of plumbing fitting end caps(air tight) with some 1 "1/2 push fit pipe a little sachet of silica gel in the tube keeps em lovely try oerlikon overcords cheap and lovely rods
Thanks for that Drains,It all started when I ordered some murex 3.2 in 6013 and 3.2 7018 like you suggested for my rear bale project, At least Now I have some idea,You know what they say about a little knowledge
BTW like your link to the "Wicker Man" very interesting.