What would be the prep for a vertical weld with 10 mm plate on the flat with a 6 mm plate in the vertical, both plates meeting at their edges, and welding from the outside ?
that's an outside corner, just clean metal to shiney and weld it. no need to groove anything, if you haven't got the power to do it in one pass run the root a bit hot then multi pass over the top is how I do it
Are these bits of bent steel, the vertical one of which has been bevelled and which only touch in the middle, the gap at the ends being at least the diameter of a 3.2 welding rod, and the gap at the very end looking about the thickness of the 10mm bottom plate, so not your textbook fillet weld? Fits like Burton's suit - where it touches.
I'd be inclined to make up the poor fit up with stringers and grind them down to fit, but maybe that's just me.
Is that the end of a Selectarc D6 rod with its white tip used as a spacer at the far end?
Its hard to see but I think I should pay attention to the gaps first and clean up real well before running any longer welds. There is a lot of cruddy old metal in that shot
its only a bit of scrap practice peice, and the root gap was an even 2.5 between the stubs , which was the weld area, of course i didnt try to weld the big gap at the far end, you can see its not bevelled. All the joint was ground off clean where it mattered.