anyone used propylene much ?
whats it like to use and is it any good ?
we've been presented with a bottel of it to pllay with at work just wondering what to expect from it
tell me about it. i had a full bottle of propane leak and it ended up in my pit was a week before i noticed fortunately i picked something up of the floor and smelt it before i used anything that would ignite it . a good lesson learntPropane has its own problems though, heavier than air so leaks can pool in pits or drains such as found in garages.
There's nothing inherently wrong with acetylene, it just needs handling with the respect it deserves.
have u noticed anything about the people that go on the most about acetylene been dangerous are the people who havent got itRTFQ
i was orignaly asking if anyone had experiance of useing it for any tips with what to expect from it.
god knows why your all going on about what potential safety issues there are or arn't with it. no where did i mention i was a pussy and scared of aOA, been useing OA for years without issue as well as oxy propane. and reason for change is nothing to do with with "safety" ether
reason for the question was because of a change in gas supplyer, new supplyer won't do acetaline but offerd propelyne as an alternative