Hya guys first project first design ect its not perfect but it works just needs improvment
What do u guys think for suport I wrap a chain around to hold pipes in place
Hope u guys like
its pretty much scraps of lcs pipe welded together with some box sec between the legs and slips over the smaller pipe so u can hold pipe to cut at a nice hight and weld round at some point and i drilled two holes in either slip ons and welded a nut and bolt so u can fix it in that required distance
i would love to but im away next week in jersy. it is a proto type of the pipe horses rigid make just trying to make my own for persnal use so hopefully i will improve it hope fully gunna try and make a home made grinder chop saw so i can save time and cut pipe squarer
for securing the pipe to the horse, I would get a bit of 5mm steel, cut a slot that would accept a chain like a bike chain, so the thinnest part of the link slots in and the thickest part catches the edges, weld a bit of threaded bar onto the other end of the chain and then drill the equivalent hole in the plate. then simply slide the chain in the slot, put the threaded bar in the hole, nut on the bottom and aas you tighten the nut, the chain pulls tight.
cheers for that mate i am going to improve a mark two sooner or later mark one is to see if i could make it and if it would work. it works :-D so now time to improve the little ******. make it useful