That would certainly make it work.
We have a Farnell distributor in Sydney so supply should not be a problem although there is only stock in the US.
The only problem I see is the mechanical fitment issue since I would have to re design the installation to cope with having the terminals both on the same end rather than the negative terminal being the back end of the case.
Have you ever come across non genuine capacitors with the type of case shown in the photo I posted?
Yes there are 2 rows of capacitors -- 5 in total.
I have hunted around the web but been unable to find anything made in the same style. The local Esab distributor has told me they are no longer available as a spare part, probably because Wicon the manufacturer in Denmark went out of business some years ago.
To be truthful I am just guessing that the existing capacitors are faulty since they show no physical deterioration, the problem is that after a couple of inches of weld the arc becomes erratic and unstable usually ending with the wire burning back on to the tip and sticking. Any insight you may have into this would be helpful.
it looks like you have 5 caps in parallel.
If what i can see from the pic it would not be to hard to replace them with caps that that have connections at one end.It would only be a small mod
Yes you are correct the modification is neither difficult or involved and if it becomes necessary I would not hesitate to do it -- Just seemed sensible to check if the direct replacement parts were available as a first option. I will go down the potential feed problem road first since the suggestion is logical may be the culprit. Thanks for your suggestion.
Well I replaced the liner and all the consumables in the gun and just like magic it seems to be fixed -- which is great since Esab wanted $750 for a new set of capacitors ( not that I would have paid it ). Anyway thanks for the help