I could use a cap or guard for my electric finger choppers, for storage. Currently the point is poking holes in my bags.
I will get some measurements later. Thanks.
Have you looked to see if an stl is already available?
I think it would take a few attempts to get a guard to slide on nicely, probably not the easiest thing to do if you had the clippers to hand, even harder doing it remotely from a drawing.
Maybe you could trace around them onto some scaled graph paper or something then that could be scanned in?
Another option, I've got some low temp (hot water) melt plastic, Sets like nylon, use some of that and mould a cap in place?
I would be worried with a loose cap that it would be lost. What is your plan for the cover when it is not on the blades?
I wonder if something like a scabbard that attaches to your belt, a bit like you probably have for your pruning saw, might work better. Maybe a 3DP one that clips onto the pruning saw holder would be snazzy.
Another alternative is a leather holder, like a gardener would have for mechanical secateurs.
My plan was that when its storage, the cap will clip with a mini carabiner onto the trigger guard, when its in use, will clip onto the lanyard (which is 3mm cord, wrapped around the handle for use on the ground)
The dimensions of the blade cavity do not need to be exact or even close as it will be held to the pruner with cord/carabiner.
In plan and bottom view, you could try photographing them against a sheet of 5mm squared paper. Maybe one as shown above and then turn them over and snap from the opposite side. It will save measuring tricky radiuses and angles.
For the thickness, try to prop them up 90 degrees to the page and slide a set square around the outline marking where its bottom edge touches the floor. Then write some numbers for guidance.
Maybe you can use some elastic string in your arrangement so it encourages the cap to bottom out on the blades.
What about some big thick heatshrink?
Wrap a thick, tempory layer of something (ptfe tape?) over everything to give you a bit of clearance, then shrink down over the lot.
Fold the open end over on itself while hot and crimp closed with pliers.
Pull it off when cold and round off the end.
Thats given me an idea, really simple and for a 1 off probably faster than 3DP anyway, I can use up some ABS slurry. It wont stick to the blades or casing if certain areas are masked off with a HDPE bag condom.