got 3x minis to media blast ready for bodywork / paint so bought a 20 gallon sandblaster and am using a localtoolsales 200 litre compressor (chinese) but pretty reliable.
it just can't keep up with the air that i need to be constantly using for blasting, its great at first but drops really quick.
thinking about getting a good used road tow compressor but i am wondering if i will be able to get the fittings to go down to the sort of sizes i am using for the blaster?
the other question is could i run the road tow compressor and have the outlet going into the large fitting on the rear on my 200 litre compressor, as i could run though my regulators, water traps and 2x retractable air lines. the compressor is next door in a brick shed.
it just can't keep up with the air that i need to be constantly using for blasting, its great at first but drops really quick.
thinking about getting a good used road tow compressor but i am wondering if i will be able to get the fittings to go down to the sort of sizes i am using for the blaster?
the other question is could i run the road tow compressor and have the outlet going into the large fitting on the rear on my 200 litre compressor, as i could run though my regulators, water traps and 2x retractable air lines. the compressor is next door in a brick shed.