i have just been given a load or gas welding wire.the make is sif
they have been stored for a while and a few are a bit rusty/dirty
are they worth keeping or shall i bin them got about 5 packs
I would expect it to be OK. You can weld over rust with gas so I dont see a bit of rust on the wire being a problem. I am assuming you are welding items like garden gates and not nuclear reactors.
thats if i can get gas. just got hold of a oxy/ace set bottles regs the whole kit .but missing one flasback so before i use it will get new flashbacks but not sure if i will keep it or get rid as i got it with some other kit i wanted and this stuff was thrown in with it all to clear his workshop
If your not sure of flashback age, would perhaps be a better idea to change both, code of practice recommends both arrestors are changed every five years.