My wood bothering is generating lots of the above and I'm wondering what to do with it all, other than bag it and bin it. As it's all from clean untreated wood I had thought about grading it and selling it for small animal bedding but as the workshop is multi use I can't guarantee there's nothing metallic in it, so I'm now wondering if it's possible to make it into "briquettes" for the log burner.
Suggestions welcome.
My wood bothering is generating lots of the above and I'm wondering what to do with it all, other than bag it and bin it. As it's all from clean untreated wood I had thought about grading it and selling it for small animal bedding but as the workshop is multi use I can't guarantee there's nothing metallic in it, so I'm now wondering if it's possible to make it into "briquettes" for the log burner.
Suggestions welcome.