I would like to weld up some shelving to hold my stock and heavier motor parts in the workshop. They would be 2-2.5m high by 3m long and roughly 0.8 m deep. What would you recommend in terms of construction, reinforcement etc? I am going to stick weld them together as I havent done much since I got my R Tech 250 and fancy giving the stick mode a go. Fresh vacuum packed electrodes are on the way.
I would like to weld up some shelving to hold my stock and heavier motor parts in the workshop. They would be 2-2.5m high by 3m long and roughly 0.8 m deep. What would you recommend in terms of construction, reinforcement etc? I am going to stick weld them together as I havent done much since I got my R Tech 250 and fancy giving the stick mode a go. Fresh vacuum packed electrodes are on the way.