I seem to have been making hearts and flower type things a lot recently so I decided to balance things out and make some art to go on my toolbox at work.
Thats cool, makes for a stylish tool box and might scare off the Borrowers.
How about a wreath of barbed wire?
That might get a bit snaggy during transit mind.
Seconded. My workshops full of half finished projects (nothing is unfinished) sometimes I loose my confidence, sometimes I have to learn something new, sometimes i've spent so long and so much work getting to a point that i'm scared of ****** it up. So I chuck it in a corner and either restart one of the other projects or start a new one but eventually they get done. I'd achieve nothing without trying though. Your bound to make mistakes but for me that's part of the learning process.
My favourite quote regards the arts.
'A true artist never finishes his work; he just abandons it'
John Paul Valery.
Struck a massive chord with me when I read that.