Hi, I have a Snap-on Mig 130 (Cebora Pocket Mig clone), and had to dismantle the torch to replace the liner. On reassembly I noticed that the gas pressure on the gauge drops, even though the trigger is not pressed. I am fairly sure it is coming from the black plastic thingy where the electrical on/off is connected. I have replaced the o-ring on this part, which has improved, but not stopped it. If the torch is dismantled and I hold the assembly tight together, there is no leakage, but when re-assembled into the gun,
the leak reappears. I remember seeing an on-line video saying that the gas seal was made by the plastic casing of the gun (reassembled) holding everything tight together, but I read on here somewhere that the plastic bit was originally stuck (glued ?) to the brass body. Anyone know which is correct please? Thanks.