Recently got a Sprinter and noticed a few spots of rust. One area concerns me a bit and not too sure how to tackle it.
There is a bit of rust in the rear wheel arch, in the seam. It's only a few inches long but visible on the outside as well.
What is the best way to get it sorted that does not involve welding ideally?
Was thinking of cleaning the rust out as much as possible, then using Bilt Hamber Deox gel.
This would be followed by either:
As an aside, any recommendations for a white topcoat for Jotamastic? Was going to get Jotamastic 90 ALU for its better rust protection and overcoat white on the inside of the van.
There is a bit of rust in the rear wheel arch, in the seam. It's only a few inches long but visible on the outside as well.
What is the best way to get it sorted that does not involve welding ideally?
Was thinking of cleaning the rust out as much as possible, then using Bilt Hamber Deox gel.
This would be followed by either:
- Jotamastic 90 ALU + U-POL GRAVIGARD on the underside
- Rust-Oleum CombiPrimer + Rust-Oleum CombiColor
As an aside, any recommendations for a white topcoat for Jotamastic? Was going to get Jotamastic 90 ALU for its better rust protection and overcoat white on the inside of the van.