I use 6 - 8 tins to do the uderside and wheel arches of a vw camper.The underside of a mini is fairly flat so I wouldnt think you would need more than 4.
Malcolm, that's an excellent tutorial and I hope to use some soon. Just one thing, I guess you've amended the layout of your website at some point.
Quote"The characteristic things to watch for are dryness and overspray as opposed to the finish in the photo above which went on without any obvious overspray. If you see something like the photo to the left then stop and figure out why. Ask on the forum. Don't just plough on as this stuff is a pain to get off again or put right. I spent a day wet flatting the mess in the photo and the result still annoys me."
On my computer it's on the right. Small I know but when the rest is of such high quality I think it's worth the effort!
yep Wyn tis one of those, the compressor in the garage is shared with next door and runs upto about 130 psi. Shultz guns really do work best at about 90 psi so a mini reg keeps it there.
I use Tetra shultz but theres two different versions part nos 001 and 010, the latter being more selective of the gun being used. I get fair coverage from it and at about £3 a tin its ok.