I'm just wondering how long I should leave between coats for topcoat. (I'm using cellulose). Should I leave it a day or so and sand down with 800-1000 grit between each coat, or can I put the next coat straight on after 10-15 minutes?
didn't know you could still get sandpaper, when the students at work come for ''sandpaper'' I allways say''we don't have any but you can have '' glasspaper''
slan go fol
Depending on the temperature of the space you are working in then anywhere between 5 - 20 minutes between coats. As a rule of thumb gently touch the masking right next to where you have painted, if its tacky and almost dry then give it another minute or two then fire away with the next coat.
In these short gaps between coats what do you do with the gun and any paint left in it?
When being good I drain the paint out into a clean jar, put some thinner in and run it through, then put the paint back in when ready to restart. Is that over the top? However it is very tempting to carry on going over the existing coat until the paint in the gun is used up.
I think (based on absolutely tiny experience) that it is OK in the gun for a little while - pot life of paint is fairly long (depends on the mix though - see spec sheets).