l was having a mess about with the free software that came with my camcorda, l found out by accident that l can advance the frames one by one and take a still pic, makes for some intresting photos, dont how fast an exposion occurs but l bet its pretty quick, richard's hand in the pics dosent even move before the flames are out
you can just see the flame front inside the tyre in the first pic
and here's the vid l took it from
l was having a mess about with the free software that came with my camcorda, l found out by accident that l can advance the frames one by one and take a still pic, makes for some intresting photos, dont how fast an exposion occurs but l bet its pretty quick, richard's hand in the pics dosent even move before the flames are out
you can just see the flame front inside the tyre in the first pic
and here's the vid l took it from