I have also seen these but not in the flesh so to speak, I have read that they are rather heavy, but they are handy for cutting sheet. there are others out there as well such as https://www.tinmantech.com/html/meco_midget_torch.php
I am always wary of 'testimonials' on these sites and like yourself would like to hear from someone who actually has one and what they think of them, are they worth the money against the usual torches out there.
There was a road test of this in Back Street Heroes a few months back. The guy raved about it and almost made me go and order one, reckoned it was good for all sorts of welding in all sorts of metals. Sounded (almost?)to good to be true. As I already have O/A kit I could not justify buying it.
In the name of research I am willing to let the forum club together and let me test drive it.
They do have a nice flame, personally i don't like anything else about 'em though- heavy, bulky, limited grip options (pistol grip and fine control don't together imo) and pricey
Harris make some nice lightweight torches, this one around £50 for the shank. 0.7lbs versus 'under 3 lbs' for the DHC2000
It's been a few years and i only had a little play with one. Lasting impression was my dislike of the grip. What they say about the 'soft' flame is true, nice and stable with little 'pressure' (or force) to it. Didn't try cutting with it, just a few welds on thin sheet steel. I want to say the flame was better than a Safire but i haven't welded with oxy fuel for a while, occasional brazing with a Harris 19-6 and an 'abused' Safire for heating at a mates workshop is about it for the last year or so.
Grip (especially) and weight thing are personal preferences. They are good but then so are the people doing the demos...
I remember seeing these about 30 years ago, I was pretty impressed by the blurb but never used one as at the time I didn't have an Oxy/Acetylene set anymore. One of the things it was claimed you could do with it was to use old piston rings to lay a hardened edge to plough blades.
I've looked at these a few times & people have said they ''know someone'' who swears by them but as I'm sceptical about ''claims & blurb'' I have never spoken to someone who has ACTUALLY A= got one & B=used one, there MUST be someone who has one & can comment on this forum surely [even though it's predominantly mig orientated!!!] here's hoping.ps the bird looks good in the video!!
She's wearing a boiler suit and a welding mask, you really need to get out more . Sorry I can't help with any information on the torch there but in the videos it didn't do anything I couldn't do with my old BOC Portapak kit and Safire torch.
Hey folks, I am upgradeing to one of these handsets to use on my 68 kombi restoration. It gets dilivered next weekish. I will try it out and let you know how it works.
I currently love oxy welding so I feel, although inexperienced, I can give a fair comparison.
hi have been looking in on this forum for a while and enjoyed it. i dont consider myself a good welder but have been at it for a good few years using stick for heavier , mig for car repairs and for the last 2 yrs gas with a dhc2000 which is the reason for my post. bear in mind i cant compare it with other gas gear but can tell you that it i think it is a good bit of kit. the grip may be an issue but i think you can get used to it, the valves are very sensitive and can be adjusted with the slightest touch which can be a problem. i adapted mine to take the uk hoses directely doing away with the supplied conversion and check valve fittings. i can get better welds with it in both steel and alloy than i can with the average diy mig sets but again only ever used co2 as a gas with the mig . the cutting capability is impressive but you need to practice at it. if i can help anyone out who is thinking about one just ask and ill try and answer your question. regards to you all andy.
i first saw those years ago in a book by richard finch, he seems to like them but only in addition to a normal torch, not a replacement, theres also a place is sweden that sells them http://www.dillonwelding.com/en/torch-kits.html if you are looking to get one, not sure which is cheaper or anything.
I ended up getting one of these handsets. The weld quality is good but there is not a huge difference to comet handsets with a good operator.
The problem I found was that the sales people in the company were not very helpful. They almost had the attitude of "you've got it now, your problem".
I think overall, if you can weld mig and with the comet you are probably doing pretty well already.
Totally inexperienced in welding but wanting to set myself up with a welding set-up for those odd repair jobs that keep cropping up.
What advice or info can you give me about those Clarke 13 piece gas torch kits as sold by Machine Mart?
My only experience with a gas welding set was years ago when I was in the plumbing trade brazing copper pipe, need to find out more before laying out the dosh, can you braze mild steel such as a broken bolt together and do you need a flux?
And can you get a half or perhaps quarter sized gas and oxy bottles instead of having the full size bottles that you see in a garage or welding shop.