done it just for the forum :
its basically just to show the left/right/pause technique to help learn, its not of the best quality (too dark) and not the most perfect weld in the world but as i say its just to show technique
ps, if your wondering why it kept stopping and starting its because i was doing it on 2mm sheet (all i had) with 2.5mm rods and really low amps to keep it from melting right through
oh and just to let everyone know, its a b@57@*d trying to hold a camera/lens in one hand and weld with the other
its basically just to show the left/right/pause technique to help learn, its not of the best quality (too dark) and not the most perfect weld in the world but as i say its just to show technique
ps, if your wondering why it kept stopping and starting its because i was doing it on 2mm sheet (all i had) with 2.5mm rods and really low amps to keep it from melting right through
oh and just to let everyone know, its a b@57@*d trying to hold a camera/lens in one hand and weld with the other