Not sure if it is the latest info but its the latest Ive seen
Oh yes I remember her asking for volunteersWhat happened to the lady who was a researcher at London Hospital who done the welding study? I went down but don’t think I ever heard back with results from the research?
On the repercussions or on the research?Some time last year the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified all welding fume as carcinogenic
This is going to have a massive impact on Industry
Im currently writing my MSc Dissertation on this
On the repercussions or on the research?
Fumes have always impacted welding consumables, sometimes disadvantaging the honest. I always felt it best to be open but it often backfired. There have been a few hot topics, Chromium 6, Ba (sol) and Be in Aluminium....the Beryllium caused me some problems....All Aluminium contains Be and in the fume, when it was classed as carcinogenic I decided to report it and lost orders to other manufacturers who didnt report it but their products contained more.
Im exploring what impact it will have on industry
I can give you a dilemma.....what do you do when your best welder / fabricator wont wear protection or use the fume extraction provided. Hes the only one capable of some jobs and without his skill the company would lose orders that would impact on other jobs
It happened to me....but my resolution isnt the answer
This.. the smokers at my previous welding gig were the ones hottest on the ppe....I can never understand why you wouldn't want to protect yourself from fumes whilst welding . Although the irony is never lost on me when you see a fabricator take off his PAPR to have a cigarette
Air fedFrom an occasional home welders point of view, what is the best filter/mask to use that may help protect from said fumes? Assuming that there is enough space under my flip up helmet for one to fit.
Air fed
probably....unless the chinese start copying them....if not alreadyRealistically, that's not going to be an option for most home gamer's I bet?
Home gamer here! I'm seriously looking at an air fed mask. TIG isn't so bad. MIG is bad, stick welding is bloody awful. I can create a pea souper in the garage with stick. I am looking at improved ventilation too. I can't open the main garage door due to the passing scrote problem. I don't need an official report to tell me weld fumes are bad news. Cheapest air fed mask on ebay is £340. Out of interest, what are they like to wear? Do they make your face all hot and sweaty?