Almost as bad as 1st and 3rd angle projection drawings...Though I find 3rd angle more "natural"...
Here's something that might clear up some things:
(you either use system A, with the dashed lines, or system B, without those dashed lines. Doesn't matter, but you have to be consistent)
Richard, what standard/year does your extract comes from? Never seen drawings with references in the tail that don't say what kind of references they are.
Normally, there should be both the procedure or standard + the detail that the draftsman wants to emphasize, in the tail.
See attached screenshot, from the EN ISO 2553 : 2013
you see amongst others quality level C according to ISO 5817 in the open tail example
or a reference to a general note "A1" in the closed tail.
(like, "A1: all welds to be made in position PB")
over use of computers by the inexperienced, trying to look clever instead of making things clear also randomly executed copy/paste are all crimes that should carry a stiff sentence of hard labour IMO.