You can get a rough idea from this very web site, if you do a bit of searching and poking about in the dusty corners.........Hi All
Hi All
I have a ROHR Mig-250mi set up and I would like to know if I can obtain a (Wire seed + Voltage chart) for it.
The speed ana Voltage dial are marked in segments of 1-10 which makes it diffcult,
Hi RrobsonMeasure it yourself. Two identical machines could be slightly different.
Wire speed is pull trigger and hold for 6 seconds, then measure the wire and multiply by 10 for inches per min or meters per min (depending on what you prefer)
Voltage is just a case of measuring voltage between the torch and earth when welding. Do not measure open circuit voltage (ie when pulling trigger in fresh air and not welding) that will be higher than actual welding voltage.
Shouldn’t take more than 20 mins to record it all