Mrs Crazy Face wanted a metal christmas tree, shaped like a holly leaf.
Okey dokey.
2m tall, made out of 30x5mm strip.
Took an afternoon to make.
Daft idea I thought, but yet again MrsCF was right.
Might also be for sale in the spring as a kind of virtual tree.
2 observations here.
1, Thanks for the comments guys.
2, there are some (1) cultural heathens here. (in jest)
Wheelchair welder, my interfering wife has over the years had some great ideas. I usually think 'hmm daft idea' and make it anyway, then people go 'Oh how clever'.
But all my best stuff is somebody else's idea. I just have to work out how to shut them up.
And the best thing is, when it looks old and tired, all you have to do is repaint it! Brilliant! It could also be a multi seasonal tree with different paint jobs depending on the time of year...
I had thought of makinga 3d version.
Having it in the front room all evening is giving me a few ideas to build on.
An instant hedge or avenue of 'trees' for climbers to grow over is a possibility.
But painting it is a step too far.