I think most 7018's will run AC and will run 50v ocv. Simon they can be real hard work, if they get damp its like trying to weld with a wet lettuce leaf. Need to keep them dry and make sure they are dry prior to use
Just out of interest, I measured the OCV of my Powercraft today and found the following results...
40 Amps = 45V
160 Amps = 53V
The published OCV stated on the box is 48V.
Hi All!
simon718, you would be better off getting some E7016 electrodes, these tend to be a bit more 'user friendly' and less likely to cause problems on a 'buzz box'. Try them first, before going for the E7018's. All 70xx series electrodes like to be either VAC-PACKED or baked prior to use, they really absorb moisture, even out of dry air,if you really want to try them, bake them in your oven for an while, before use! a hour at 100 deg should suit a casual use! They should be good for a day or two then. Just as a note, these rod's will always 'start' better when the rod's are hot!
Happy Experimenting!
im an idiot was sitting trying to think of what LT meant for ages