Thanks. Pushing things out a little far for us though. Got a sort of 45 mins to an hour rule - just in case of stoppagesHi Kent you can contact General Welding in Widness, ask for Steve Burbridge
6 Milli
That`s unfair.A supplier has a distributor in the area and still sells direct!If the supplier has an enquiry they should put them on to the local distributorBest sub 200 amp mig around period. Well done with a great purchase. Ewm usually supply through distributors like Jim. I wasn't aware they dealt direct. Fair play. That machine has no competitor that I can think of simply because it's so much better than the other boys trying to catch up with it.
I wouldn't jump to conclusions.That`s unfair.A supplier has a distributor in the area and still sells direct!If the supplier has an enquiry they should put them on to the local distributor
If only the Distributors could be trusted to do the same. If the local distributor can make more money on another machine they will often try to sell that first. Unfortunately its a dog eat dog and theres not much loyalty either way.That`s unfair.A supplier has a distributor in the area and still sells direct!If the supplier has an enquiry they should put them on to the local distributor
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